Someone’s negligence may cause you to get hurt in an Uber car accident. You may wind up with medical bills.
If so, Uber’s insurer may pay your medical bills. Let’s look at a few different scenarios of accidents involving an Uber.
Who Pays an Uber Passenger’s Medical Expenses?
If an Uber passenger is injured in a Florida car crash, there are different types of insurance that may apply. Here they are:
Passenger’s PIP Insurance
If an Uber passenger is hurt in a Florida accident, the passenger should make a claim through his own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) auto insurance.
TBO (Tampa Bay Tribune and Tampa Times) quoted my thoughts on this bill.
An Uber passenger’s PIP will pay 80% of his medical bills up to $10,000. This assumes that the passenger owned a car in Florida at the time of the crash.
Uber Currently Doesn’t Have PIP Insurance
Uber’s insurance policy doesn’t have PIP.
Starting July 1, When Logged On To App, But Not Engaged in a Ride, Uber Driver Gets Uber’s PIP
Starting on July 1, 2017, Uber cars must have PIP if the driver is logged onto the app, but not engaged in a ride. Florida Statute 627.748(7)(b)1.b. (Chapter 2017-12).
If Engaged in a Ride, Uber Won’t Have PIP
If an Uber is engaged in a ride, the Uber car doesn’t need PIP. Florida Statute 627.748(7)(c)1.b
Passenger Should Use Health Insurance to Pay Medical Bills
In addition to PIP, the passenger should use any first party coverage that he or she has such as health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, VA, etc.
The passenger can also make a claim for unpaid medical bills against any party that he can sue. If the other car was at fault, you make this claim with the other driver’s bodily injury liability (BIL) coverage.
If the other car driver and owner are uninsured, then the passenger’s personal injury claim is made against Uber’s uninsured motorist insurance.
If the Uber driver was at fault, this claim would be against the Uber’s insurer.
Resident Relative’s PIP insurance
If an Uber passenger didn’t own a motor vehicle in Florida, the passenger should make a claim through his Florida resident relative’s PIP insurance. This should pay 80% of the passenger’s medical bills up to $10,000.
The passenger should also use any first party coverage that he or she has, such as health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, VA, etc.
The passenger can also make a claim for any unpaid medical bills against any party that he can sue. If the other car was at fault, this claim would be made with Uber’s insurer.
If the other careless driver is uninsured, then the passenger’s personal injury claim is against Uber’s uninsured motorist insurance.
If the Uber driver was at fault, this claim would be against the Uber’s insurer.
What if the Passenger Doesn’t Own a Car or Live With Resident Relatives?
If a resident relative doesn’t have PIP insurance, then the passenger should make a PIP claim with Uber’s Insurer, the James River Insurance Company.
The passenger can also use any first party coverage that he has such as health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. The passenger can make a claim for any unpaid medical bills against any party that he can sue.
If the other driver was at fault, the passenger’s personal injury claim for out of pocket medical bills would be made with the other driver’s insurer. The passenger also has a claim for lost wages and pain and suffering against the other driver.
If the other careless driver is uninsured, then the passenger’s personal injury claim is made against Uber’s uninsured motorist insurance, the James River Insurance Company.
If the Uber driver was at fault, your personal injury claim to get your out of pocket medical bills paid would be made with the BI liability insurance of the Uber, via James River Insurance Company.
Can an Uber passenger get compensation in addition to medical bills?
Maybe. There are many other types of damages that you may be able to get compensation for in an Uber car wreck in Florida. They include, but are not limited to, lost wages, pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and emotional distress.
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