If someone’s carelessness caused your injury while you were riding a moped in Florida, we want to do everything possible to help get your money for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, mental anguish and any other damages to which you may be entitled.
1. Medical Bills
If someone’s negligence caused your injury while you were on a moped in Florida, the classification of your moped as either a bicycle or a self propelled vehicle under Florida law will determine who is responsible for paying your medical bills.
If your moped is considered a bicycle, then we will make a claim with the proper PIP insurer if one exists. A moped is more likely to be considered a bicycle it if can be propelled by human power.
If your moped is a considered a self-propelled vehicle, then we will make a claim to get your medical bills paid against the responsible parties.
A Miami-Dade circuit court, in an appeal, said that a Yamaha Elite 125 cc scooter is a self propelled vehicle and not a scooter. Atlantic Employers Insurance Company v. Omayra Olivo 7 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 251a (Fla. 11th Jud. Cir. (Appeals) 2000).
Below are just a few of our settlements that more than paid for our client’s medical bills and much more.
Moped Rider Gets $52,000 for Eye Injury from Crash
We represented a moped rider. We settled his case for $52,000 after an auto parts pickup truck struck him in Miami, Florida.
He suffered an eye injury that healed very well.
Scooter Rider Hit by Car Gets $35,000 for Broken Leg (Femur)

A scooter rider got $35,000 after a driver failed to yield the right of way and hit him in Miami Lakes, Florida. Miami Lakes is next to Hialeah, Miami Gardens, Hialeah, Opa-locka, Hialeah Gardens and Palm Springs North.
The moped rider suffered a upper leg (femur) fracture. GEICO paid $25,000 towards the settlement.
United Automobile Insurance Company (UAIC) paid $10,000. This is my case. He gave us “5 stars” and said that he “liked the way all his questions were answered accurately and fast.”
We settled a case for $25,000 where our client was cut off by a taxi in Miami Beach, Florida. He t-boned the taxi and suffered a bruised bone. We were able to get all of his medical bills paid. Approximately $18,000 of the settlement was for his pain and suffering.
$10,000 Settlement for a Miami Beach resident when a car hit him while he was riding his scooter. He complained of pain in his neck, back and leg.
The careless driver was insured with United Auto and only had $10,000 of bodily injury coverage.
2. Pain, Suffering, Mental Anguish, Lost Wages and Inconvenience
We also want to get you money for your pain, suffering, lost wages, mental anguish and inconvenience. We understand what you must prove to be entitled to recover damages for pain and suffering if someone’s carelessness caused your injury while you were on a moped in Florida. We will be ready to do all that is possible to prove it for you.
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Call me now at (888) 594-3577 to find out for FREE if we can represent you. We answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
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