If someone’s negligence caused your quadriceps injury or tendon tear, you may be able to get money.
Lady Gets $23,000 for Quadriceps Tear from Fall at Hotel in Doral

A guest was at the Hyatt Place Hotel in Doral, Miami-Dade County, Florida. It is located in the airport west area.
She slipped on water on the floor in the cafeteria area. She claimed that the fall caused her to tear her quadriceps.
Zurich Insurance Company insured the hotel. I settled the case with Zurich for $23,000.
Ruptured Quadriceps Value
The value that I may use as a starting point for the full value of the pain and suffering component of a ruptured quadriceps is $120,000.
I may use $200,000 to $250,000 as a starting point for the full value of pain and suffering component of a torn quadriceps with surgery. This assumes a good amount of physical therapy and residual pain following the accident. This only applies to a Florida personal injury case.
Actual Case (Not mine): $119,000 in pain and suffering for a 52-year-old woman, a registered nurse, who had a rupture of the quadriceps tendon. She was a passenger on a Celebrity Cruises cruise ship.
She was attempting to board the tender (boat that takes the passengers to shore). The tender was rocking up and down.
The tender struck her leg which caused her to fall and rupture her quadriceps tendon. The accident happened on June 2012 and the verdict was on March 2005.
My thoughts: I believe that this was a very bad injury because the jury awarded her $60,000 for past lost earnings. Assuming that she could not work full-time for almost 3 years before her accident, she was making $20,000 a year.
The jury awarded her $433,000 for future lost earning capacity. She was 52 and I will assume that she was expected to work 13 more years (until retirement age – 65).
Regardless of whether she was unable to work full or part-time, the huge lost wage award shows that this was a very bad rupture.
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