Here, you’ll here about several settlement stories with Nationwide Insurance Company. I have settled many personal injury cases with Nationwide.
$130K Settlement with Nationwide for Car Accident (Shoulder Injury)
My client lived in another state (not Florida). She was a passenger in her friend’s car in Bonifay, Florida. Another driver made an improper lane change. He struck the car (“host vehicle”) within which our client was a passenger. A photo of the host vehicle is below.
The damage to the other car is below.
The at fault driver was uninsured. My client had shoulder surgery to fix her rotator cuff tear.
Here is something to note:
Surgery greatly increases the full settlement value of a personal injury case.
The driver of the host vehicle had $100,000 in uninsured motorist (UM) liability coverage with Nationwide Insurance Company. Fortunately, my client also had UM liability coverage with Nationwide.
We settled my client’s uninsured motorist insurance claims with Nationwide for $130,000. In addition, Nationwide paid $7,000 (from medical payments coverage) to my client’s medical providers.
This is one of my many settlements for people who are visiting from another state and are injured in a Florida car accident.
$29,700 Settlement with Nationwide Insurance (Car Accident)
My client was a passenger in a car. The accident occurred in Miami, Florida. Nationwide insured the careless driver
My client treated with chiropractors for over a year before having an MRI on his back. An MRI revealed a herniated disc effacing (pressing on) the spinal cord. My client lived in California. He was in Miami, Florida on vacation.
This client is one of the numerous clients that I have helped who was injured in Florida but lived out of state.
$30K Nationwide Insurance Settlement (Trip and Fall)
During the day, Dania (not real name) was walking outside at an establishment in Central Florida. She rolled her ankle on a broken walkway.
An employee of the establishment came to the accident scene while Dania was on the pavement.
Dania went to the hospital, where x-rays showed that she had a broken ankle. Specifically, she had a non-displaced right lateral malleolus fracture. She was at the hospital for a few hours.
She wanted to hire an injury lawyer. She looked on Youtube for an injury attorney who had good outcomes. She watched some of my videos and called me for a free consultation to see if I could represent her.
I personally spoke with her and she hired me.
In the following months, she received treatment for her broken ankle from an orthopedic doctor. Fortunately, she did not need surgery. Her ankle made a very good recovery.
National Casualty Company insured the owner of the premises. National is part of Scottsdale Insurance Company (which is part of Nationwide Insurance Company).
They denied liability. Nevertheless, through an aggressive negotiation, I settled Dania’s personal injury case for $30,000.
How was I able to settle for $30,000 and not a smaller amount?
First, there was something wrong with the pavement that we argued caused her to roll her ankle and fall. Second, the business knew that she fell. This helped her case since it made it more difficult for the business to argue that she was not injured on its property.
Third, she broke her ankle and went to the hospital quickly after the accident. Fourth, we were dealing with one of the better insurance companies. Nationwide Insurance Company generally pays better than other insurance companies.
Why didn’t I settle for more than $30,000?
Because her fall happened outside during broad daylight. The insurance company argued that Dania should have seen the broken walkway before she fell. In other words, they argued that she should have avoided the broken pavement and not fallen.
If her fall would have happened at night and there was poor lighting, Nationwide would have likely paid us more than $30,000.
Also, Dania did not need surgery. If she would have had a plate and screws put in her ankle, we would have likely settled for $100,000 or more with Nationwide. This is because the pain and suffering component of the case would have been much larger.
$10,000 Nationwide Insurance Car Accident Injury Settlement
For my client, who was young lady. Another car crashed into her car. My client injured her wrist.
Nationwide insured the at fault driver with $10,000 in bodily injury liability coverage. My client did not have uninsured motorist coverage.
$8,700 Nationwide Insurance Auto Accident Settlement
My client was a passenger in a car in Florida. She claimed that a car crash caused her bulging disc.
Nationwide insured the careless driver with bodily injury liability coverage.
My actual case: $6,500 Settlement. A truck car crashed into the rear of my client’s car. My client did not go to the hospital after the crash.
He treated with a chiropractor for a few months. Nationwide insured the at fault driver.
My actual case: $6,500 Settlement. A truck crashed into the back of my client’s car. My client did not go to the hospital.
She treated with a chiropractor for several months following the accident. She had a neck (cervical) strain and a back (lumbar) strain.
Nationwide insured the driver who caused the crash.
My actual case: $6,000 Settlement. My client was driving his SUV. Another car hit him.
My client claimed soft tissue injuries. Nationwide insured the negligent driver.
My actual case: $5,500 Settlement. My client was a postal worker. A car rear ended him.
Nationwide insured the at fault driver. My client’s injuries were headaches and pain. He had an MRI. It did not show any herniated discs or disc bulges.
Does Nationwide Pay Personal Injury Claims Fairly?
Currently, Nationwide is an excellent insurance company when it comes to fairly paying Florida personal injury claims. Thus, Nationwide may offer more money to settle your injury case than other insurance companies. For example, in most cases, Nationwide will make a higher settlement offer than Progressive.
That said, you should not deal with Nationwide without an attorney. Like most insurance companies, Natiownide will likely try to lowball you.
This means that they are more agreeable to settlement than many other Florida insurers.
However, they do not come close to many of the excellent paying Florida insurers. Expect Nationwide to add a lower value to the pain and suffering component of your injury claim.
This will lead to their opinion that your case has a smaller full value. A smaller full value will likely result in Nationwide making a smaller offer to you.
Nationwide Insurance Injury Claims FAQs
How do you file a personal injury claim with Nationwide?
You can call their toll-free number at 1-800-421-3535. If you are insured with Nationwide, you can also make a claim with your agent.
How long should you wait to make a claim after an accident in Florida with Nationwide?
You should immediately contact Nationwide. However, be sure that you understand exactly how Florida law affects your accident claim before notifying them.
You can also file a watercraft (e.g. boat, etc.), property or auto claim online.
How much info do you need to make a Florida injury claim with Nationwide?
As much as you have. Nationwide will ask for your address, phone number and name. They will ask for the names and address of anyone who was hurt and any witnesses.
Nationwide will ask about general facts about the accident. You should be sure that you completely understand Florida law before volunteering information to Nationwide.
If you are insured with Nationwide, give them your policy number if you have it. The Nationwide intake specialist will enter this information into their computer system.
Your claim will be assigned to claims adjuster who will be the individual that handles your claim.
What is the process after you get a claim setup?
A Nationwide claims adjuster will review all the claim notes. They will contact you to get any additional information that they need.
After you report the claim, you can view it online after logging into your account. You can still contact the claims adjuster at 1-800-421-3535.
How do you know which adjuster is assigned to your claim?
You can get the name, phone number and fax number of the claims adjuster by calling 1-800-421-3535. Nationwide may also give you the adjusters email address.
You can also find out the Nationwide adjuster’s contact info by logging into “Account Access” and selecting the “Check on a claim” button.
Tip: I prefer emailing adjusters, as sometimes they can quickly respond. Always use a delivery receipt and read receipt message when using your email program.
It gives you proof that Nationwide received your documents.
However, per Florida law, some letters need to be sent certified mail. If Nationwide fails to respond to certain letters via certified mail, it may result in more money in your pocket.
This is particularly true if Nationwide insures you for Medical payments (“Medpay”) coverage.
Getting your claim number from Nationwide
Every accident is assigned a claim number. A claim number is the fastest way for Nationwide to locate your claim.
If you forget your claim number, you can call Nationwide at 1-800-421-3535. You can also log into Account Access and selecting the “Check on a claim” button.
How can you see your claim’s progress?
You can call the Nationwide adjuster or log into Account Access and selecting the “Check on a claim” button.
What should you do if your property is damaged?
Contact Nationwide. Notify the proper law enforcement officials.
Who should you do after a Florida car or truck crash?
1. Always contact the police.
Tip: Do not rely on the other vehicle driver telling you that they will pay for your damages. The other driver may quickly change his version of how the crash happened. Documentation and preparation are keys to increasing your negotiating leverage in an auto accident claim.
2. Write down the license plate and VIN number of all the vehicles in the accident. Write down the exact damage to all the vehicles that were in the wreck.
Take pictures of the damage to all vehicles involved.
Tip: If a Nationwide insured’s carelessness caused your auto accident, Nationwide will likely not give you photos of the damage to his or her car. In Florida, they are not required to give you photos of their insured’s vehicle.
3. Contact Nationwide Insurance Company.
4. Send Nationwide a letter requesting a disclosure of insurance information per Florida Statutes. This request needs to be sent in writing.
Tip: Do not rely on the Nationwide adjuster verbally telling you the coverage limits.
Give Nationwide copies of all documents that support your case. You want Nationwide to set the proper reserves as high as possible, as quickly as possible. The claims reserve is money that is earmarked for the eventual claim payment.
Imagine Nationwide is a big cargo ship. It takes time for them to turn around and increase the reserve on your claim.
Send Nationwide copies of all of your medical records, bills, prescriptions as soon as possible. If you are claiming an injury that Nationwide may argue was not caused by the accident, you should also begin immediately requesting any medical records from before the accident.
The most common injuries that Nationwide may argue were not caused by the auto accident are:
- Herniated disc or bulging disc
- Shoulder tear (e.g. rotator cuff, labrum, etc.)
- Knee tear (e.g. meniscus tear, etc.)
Auto Insurance Claims with Nationwide
If you are in an accident and you are hurt, call 9-1-1. As soon as you able, you should request the 911 call audio recording and transcript.
Get the insurance company and policy number of all vehicles involved.
Tip: Just because someone shows you or the police a Nationwide insurance card, it does not mean that they have coverage. The card could be fake.
Their coverage may have expired. The other driver could be an excluded from the policy. They may have made a material misrepresentation to their insurer which can void their coverage.
4. If your vehicle is not able to be driven, take any important belongings with you.
5. Call Nationwide Insurance from the crash scene.
6. Report your claim using one of the above mentioned ways or begin your claim online with Nationwide. You can also use Nationwide’s Mobile App for Iphone, IPod Touch and Android.
Should you use Nationwide’s “On Your Side” Auto Repair Network?
Yes. You will get a guarantee, in writing, on covered repairs if you use Nationwide’s Auto Repair Network facility. Locate a repair shop.
Get pictures of your vehicle and repair updates online
One of the benefits of using a repair facility from Nationwide’s repair network is that you can see photos of your vehicle online. You can get repair updates online.
Even though you can see pictures online, you should still take your own pictures. In a Florida injury case, you should send these pictures of your vehicle to the responsible parties as soon as possible.
What Should You Do If Nationwide Closes Your Claim?
If Nationwide tells you that they closed your claim, just tell them to re-open it.
Commercial Multiple Peril (Liability Portion)
Nationwide is the 13th largest commercial multiple peril liability insurer in Florida. Commercial multiple peril liability covers businesses for damages that they cause to others.
Nationwide’s written premium for Florida commercial multi peril (liability portion) insurance was $9,436,825. Its market share was 1.7%.
The other commercial multi peril insurers (liability portion) with more Florida market share than Nationwide are:
- Philadelphia Insurance Companies
- Old Dominion Insurance Company (Main Street America Group)
- Westfield Insurance Company
- Federal Insurance Company
- Southern-Owners Insurance Company
- Rockhill Insurance Company
- Scottsdale Insurance Company ( $78,000 Settlement for broken nose.)
- Granada Insurance Company
- First Community Insurance Company
- Hartford Casualty Insurance Company
- Depositors Insurance Company (part of Allied Insurance, which is part of Nationwide)
- Zurich American Insurance Company
The two commercial multi peril insurers (in the top 15) with less market share than Nationwide are:
- American Economy Insurance Company
- State Farm Florida Insurance Company
Industries that Nationwide sells insurance for in Florida
Nationwide insures the following industries with liability coverage in Florida:
Auto Service & Repair
Food & Beverage
Golf Courses (may be through Allied Insurance, part of Nationwide)
Learn about Florida golf and country clubs accident claims.
Medical Clinics
Professional Offices
Retail Stores & Services
In Florida, Nationwide sells insurance for the following retail stores & services:
- Auto Parts Retailer Business Insurance
- Home Improvement Business Insurance
- Pet Shop Business Insurance
- Apparel Retailer Business Insurance
- Dry Cleaning Business Insurance
- Florist Business Insurance
- Strip Center (Mall) Business Insurance
Self-storage Facilities
Specialized Insurance
- Funeral Home Insurance
- Print Ship Insurance
- Photography Studio Business Insurance
- Beauty Salon and Barber Shop Insurance
Nationwide works with you to determine the right type of business liability insurance for beauty salons and barber shops. Their general liability insurance may be provided by Allied Insurance, a Nationwide Company.
Learn more about personal injury claims against spas and day salons in Florida.
Wholesalers & Distributors
Commercial (Business) Insurance
Nationwide sells the following types of business insurance in Florida:
- Auto insurance
- Property Insurance
- Business Owners Policy
- Umbrella Insurance
- General Liability
Specialty Events
Nationwide also insures for workers compensation and specialty liability events. Nationwide insures the following specialty events against bodily injury that are the result of operations, the premises, products, completed operations, or personal injury.
- Sports Teams, Leagues and Associations
- Amateur Sports Tournaments and Events
Concessionaires, Exhibitors and Vendors - Dance Schools and Programs
- Exercise Studios
- Fitness Instructors
- Gymnastics Clubs and Cheer Gyms
- Martial Arts Schools and Programs
- Short-term Special Events
- Sports Instructors
- Youth Day Camps
- Youth Sports Camps and Clinics
Some of the above groups and events include coverage for medical payments to participants, and legal liability to participants. None of these programs includes a self-insured retention (SIR).
Per the 2014 FLOIR Annual report, Nationwide Insurance Company of America had premiums of $94,654,112 for Florida private passenger auto. However, they are not one of the Florida’s biggest private passenger auto insurers.
The top 15 Florida private passenger auto insurers with more market share than Nationwide are:
The other top 15 private passenger auto liability insurers with less market share in Florida are:
- Safeco Insurance Company of Illinois (part of Liberty Mutual)
- 21st Century Centennial Insurance Company (part of Farmers Insurance, which is part of Zurich)
- Infinity Auto Insurance Company
Where is Nationwide’s world headquarters?
Nationwide’s world headquarters is located in Columbus, Ohio. If you have a catastrophic injury claim, it will likely be reviewed there.
This is because large injury claims need many layers of approval. A photo of the Nationwide headquarters is below.
Did someone’s carelessness cause your injury in an accident in Florida, or on a cruise or boat?
We want to represent you!
Our Miami law firm represents people anywhere in Florida if someone’s carelessness caused their injuries in car accidents, slip, trip and falls, and more.
We want to represent you if you were hurt in an accident in Florida, on a cruise ship or boat. If you live in Florida but were injured in another state we may also be able to represent you.
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