15 Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating an Auto Accident Settlement Justin Ziegler, Lawyer 16 years ago Here are Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating an Auto Accident Settlement: 1. Believing What The Adjuster Says 2. Telling the Adjuster a Settlement Range that You Think is Fair 3. Not Realizing that Negotiation is Part of the Claim 4. Making Too Low of a Settlement Demand 5. Making Too High of a Settlement Demand 6. Not Asking for Money for Pain and Suffering 7. Telling the Adjuster that You Need Money Now 8. Being Rude to the Adjuster 9. Not Speaking With a Supervisor (if Appropriate) 10. Not Filing a Consumer Complaint or Civil Remedy Notice 11. Not Setting a Deadline for Your Settlement Demand, or Any Requests 12. Not Realizing that You Have to Repay Your Health Insurer 13. Not Having a Spreadsheet that Itemizes Your Medical Bills, Liens 14. Not Sending the Insurance Adjuster Past Jury Verdicts 15. Not Sending the Adjuster a Copy of a Draft Lawsuit (if Appropriate) The Settlement Process in a Personal Injury Case$65K Settlement for Broken Leg (Fibula) After Car Hit Pedestrian5 Huge Mistakes That Can Kill Your Personal Injury Case