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Our BIG Personal Injury Settlements
We’ve recovered over $15 Million in personal injury settlements. Below are a few of our manysettlements.
We fight very hard for our clients. Our goal is to get the best settlement possible.
Let’s now look at some of my many personal injury settlements.
Lawyers Wouldn’t Take Her Personal Injury Case! We Got Her $1,200,000
Patricia (not real name) slipped and fell at a hotel in Florida. As a result of the fall, she broke her leg.
Pat contacted two law firms in Florida, but they were both not able to represent her.
She liked my firm because she saw that I had a good understanding of her same injury. She also saw that I had many large personal injury settlements.
She contacted my law firm and got a free consultation to see if I could represent her. After we spoke, she hired me.
Patricia had tears to her medial and lateral meniscus.
She had open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) surgery on her leg, which is where a doctor drills a plate and screws into your body.
In the x-ray below, you can see the plate and screws in her injured leg:
Here is a side view x-ray that shows the plate and screws in her leg:
Patricia also had surgery to her menisci.
I worked on this case with another law firm who sued the hotel and its property management company. The doctor said that Patricia would likely need a future knee replacement.
We settled Patricia’s case for $1,200,000.
We received two checks that totaled $1,200,000.
The $1,000,000 settlement check below is the first of two checks that I received.
As you can see, the settlement check was issued to my law firm.
After our lawyers’ fees, costs and paying back Medicare, Pat got over $707,000 in her pocket.
The best part?
Pat is thrilled with the settlement!
I Got Her a $670,000 Settlement Fast
Madeline parked her car in the outdoor parking lot of a store in Doral, Miami-Dade County, Florida. (You can see her in the above photo with me.)
She went in the store and bought some items. She walked back to her car. In an attempt to free up space in her trunk for the large items that she purchased, Madeline wanted to move some items from the trunk to her back seat.
She stepped up on the grassy curb. While walking in the grass towards her rear car door, Madeline tripped and fell on something unstable.
She injured her ankle. Someone called 911 and paramedics took Madeline to the hospital.
She suffered a trimalleolar (3 part) ankle fracture. At the hospital, a surgeon put an external fixator into her ankle.
During a second surgery, a surgeon removed this device and drilled two plates and screws into her ankle.
While she was badly injured, her case was challenging.
Here’s one reason why her case was tough:
No one saw Madeline fall.
I requested the 911 audio. On the audio, Madeline said:
I tripped on something unstable in the grass.
Madeline on the 911 audio call
I sent this to the The Hartford, who insured both the landscaper and the parking lot owner.
A little less than 3 weeks after she fell, Madeline’s son took photos of both the grassy area. Take a look:
I added arrows to show that the irrigation control valve didn’t have a cover on it. You can see the cover laying in the grass:
Pro Tip: After your accident, you should immediately take photos of the accident scene and hazard. Don’t wait. Property owners often fix hazards, and this can kill your case.
The Hartford (as the landscaper’s insurer) initially denied liability.
Madeline completed her medical treatment. I spoke with her orthopedic surgeon to see if she developed arthritis and would need a future ankle surgery.
He said that while her ankle isn’t normal, she won’t need surgery in the future.
Even thought the Hartford denied liability as the landscaper’s insurer, I didn’t give up.
Insurance Company First Offer Was Only $131,514
The Hartford (as the landowner’s insurer) offered $131,514, which was way too little. Even good insurance companies like the Hartford are tough.
After an intense negotiation, I settled her case for a whopping $670,000!
The breakdown is:
The Hartford (as insurer for the landowner) paid $469,000.
The Hartford (as insurer for the landscaper) paid $201,000. Yes, they paid $201,000 even after they initially denied liability!
It gets better:
I also got the Hartford to issue checks for $15,000 in Medical Payments benefits. This significantly cut down on the amount that we need to pay back her health insurance company.
But it doesn’t stop here.
I don’t charge a fee on this $15,000 in Medpay benefits since we didn’t sue.
Here’s a tip that may save you big bucks:
Before hiring a lawyer, get them to confirm that they won’t charge a fee on Medpay benefits if they don’t sue.
After my lawyer fees, costs and her medical expenses, Madeline got over $342,750 in her pocket. As you can imagine, she is very happy with her settlement.
In fact, she already referred me someone who was seriously injured in an accident.
Motorcyclist Gets $445,000 Settlement (Broken Leg and Finger)
A truck hit a motorcycle rider. The accident happened in Hialeah, Florida. At the hospital, x-rays showed that the motorcycle rider had a broken leg and finger.
A doctor operated on his broken leg and finger. Wisely, the motorcycle rider called our law firm while he was in the hospital. Within hours, Miami injury lawyer Justin Ziegler met him in his hospital room.
This settlement is more than the average motorcycle accident settlement. Simply put, most motorcycle accident cases don’t settle for $445,000 (or more).
$260K Settlement for Uber Accident in Miami (Back Pain)
A vehicle crashed into an Uber car in Miami. We represented the Uber driver. The Uber driver claimed that the accident caused his back injury.
Here is a photo of the Uber driver laying in his hospital bed:
The Uber driver claimed that the accident caused or aggravated disc protrusions in his lower back. Most of the settlement was for pain and suffering. The settlement also covered the Uber driver’s medical bills.
CNA, the insurer for the at fault van, paid the $260K settlement. This is my biggest settlement where the injured person didn’t have surgery.
$250K Settlement for Hotel Slip and Fall (Broken Arm)
Angela was staying at a resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. While attempting to take a bath, she slipped and fell.
As a result of her fall, she broke her arm.
MRI image showing proximal humerus fracture
At the hospital, a doctor performed surgery to stabilize her fracture.
X-ray of hardware inside her upper arm bone (humerus)
About 20 days after her accident, she completed our online form to get a free consultation to see if I could represent her. Bathtub slip and fall cases are often tough. However, she was badly injured. Thus, I accepted her case. She hired me as her personal injury lawyer.
Unfortunately, the surgery didn’t give her complete relief. About a year after the surgery, the doctor removed the plate and screws. This hardware removal surgery added about another $100,000 in pain and suffering to the full settlement value.
Philadelphia Insurance Company insured the resort. In August 2019, I settled her case for $250,000. Here is the settlement check:
After my attorney’s fees, costs, and paying her medical bills and health insurance lien, she gets over $149,300.
$210K Settlement for Shoulder Tear (Truck Accident)
Mike (not real name) was driving a tractor trailer. Another 18 wheeler crashed into the rear of Mike’s truck. A state trooper came to the scene. Mike told the state trooper that he was not in any pain.
Days later, Mike’s shoulder began hurting. An MRI showed a tear in his shoulder joint. Specifically, he had a glenoid labrum tear. Mike underwent arthroscopic shoulder surgery to debride (clean up) his labrum.
Mike decided to Get a Free Consultation with me. We met at my law office. He hired me on the spot.
An MRI of Mike’s spine showed three herniated discs. We claimed that the truck accident caused or aggravated his 3 herniated discs.
Guest Gets Over $197,500 for Broken Arm from Slip and Fall at Hotel
A guest was staying at a Marriott hotel in Pensacola, Florida. While in the hotel, she slipped in a bathtub. As a result, she fell. At the hospital, an x-ray showed a broken arm (humerus).
She had surgery to fix it. She also claimed other injuries. We represented her.
While on vacation in Miami Beach, Florida, Lisa was staying at a hotel. At night, she exited the doors of the hotel lobby so that she could walk through the breezeway toward the beach.
While walking a few steps outdoors in the breezeway, her heel got caught in a hole that was in the tile. She fell to the floor and had bad leg pain.
Her husband reported the accident to hotel security. Within hours, Lisa took a rideshare car to an urgent care center in South Beach.
They took an x-ray that showed that she had a fibula fracture. (The fibula is the thinner bone is your lower leg.)
You can see her fracture here:
The next day Lisa’s husband took a photo that showed the hole and its depth.
You can see the hole and its depth below:
This was great thinking on his part.
This is because you need to show that a hotel did something wrong in order to get compensation for pain and suffering (and some other damages).
Lisa searched for a hotel injury lawyer and found me. I gave her a free consultation to see if I could represent her.
Within hours after speaking with me, she hired me. I immediately began working on her case.
I sent an email and letter to the hotel and found out that Markel American Insurance Company was its insurance company.
A doctor operated on Lisa’s Leg
After Lisa flew back to her home state, her doctor operated on her leg. Specifically, he put a plate and screws into her fibula.
This x-ray shows the hardware in her lower leg:
A few months later, she felt some irritation in her lower leg.
The doctor removed one of the screws. Lisa’s health insurance paid most of her medical bills.
As with most personal injury cases against hotels, their insurance company did not admit fault. Their first offer was only $37,500!
Take a look:
Unfortunately, insurance companies are not on your side.
Of the $37,500 offer, $10,000 was from the Medical Payments coverage in the hotel’s insurance policy.
I knew that $37,500 was way too low of an offer given how the accident happened and Lisa’s injury.
Hotel’s Insurance Company Pays 4 Times Its First Offer
I battled the hotel’s insurance company for several months. We rejected several more low offers.
I took a tough stance. The adjuster told me that there was no surveillance of the accident. I told her that this was a great liability case, meaning that it was easy to prove. She told me that she didn’t agree.
I drafted a lawsuit and sent it to the claim adjuster for Markel Insurance.
In 2022, I got the hotel to settle for $160,000. This is over four times its first offer!
Of that amount, $10,000 was for medical payments coverage, which I did not charge Lisa a fee on.
After my lawyer fees, costs and paying back Lisa’s health insurance plan, Lisa got over $94,900 in her pocket.
Overall, her leg is doing well. If she works a long shift, her leg swells some. But she can still work her usual shift without issue.
She is very happy with the settlement.
$150,000 Settlement for Back Surgery (Miami Car Accident)
A car occupant got $150,000 for a back (lumbar) fusion after the car he was in t-boned another car. The other car failed to yield the right of way when making a left hand turn.
It happened in Miami, Florida.
Passenger Gets $130,000 Settlement for Rotator Cuff Tear (Car Wreck)
A guest tripped and fell at a business’ property in Florida. We claimed that the property negligently maintained its property.
The guest hired Justin Ziegler as her attorney. We settled the case for $125,000.
$120K Settlement for Trip and Fall
Tiffany exited a private school in Homestead, Florida.
During broad daylight, she claimed that she tripped on caution tape that was hanging off one barricade and onto another object.
This was the best photo that I was given.
Unfortunately, it didn’t do much to add value to Tiffany’s case.
After she fell, an ambulance took her to the hospital, where a doctor operated on her broken foot. Later, she had additional surgeries.
The mall’s insurance company said that construction employees warned Tiffany to not walk through the construction area. The mall’s insurance adjuster said that she had other safe routes of travel where she could have walked.
Unfortunately, there were no quality photos and no surveillance showing the hazard that Tiffany said caused her to trip and fall.
Due to this tough liability case, I settled her case with Evanston Insurance Company (Markel) for $120,000.
Pedestrian Hit By Truck Gets $110,000 Settlement (Face Fracture)
$100,000 for UPS Driver Attacked by Dog in Florida
Mike, a seasonal UPS driver in Tallahassee, Florida, was making a routine delivery when a homeowner’s dog suddenly ran out the front door and attacked him. The dog bit him twice on the left calf, leaving deep wounds that required stitches, a tetanus shot, and pain medication.
Liberty Mutual, the homeowners’ insurance company, initially tried to lowball the claim with an offer of just $36,700, arguing that Mike’s injuries weren’t severe and workers’ comp covered some medical bills.
We fought back. After multiple rounds of negotiation, we secured a $100,000 settlement—nearly three times the insurer’s initial offer.
Since Mike was working at the time, workers’ comp had a lien on his settlement, but because he had legal representation, the lien was reduced by $4,048.53, allowing him to keep more money in his pocket.
After all reductions, Mike walked away with $58,564.
$100K+ Settlement for Car Accident Victim’s Injuries
An occupant of a car was injured in a car accident in Florida. He was unsure of his rights. He called our law firm to see if we could represent him in his personal injury claim.
Attorney Justin Ziegler (of our law firm) spoke with him on the first phone call. We later settled his personal injury claim for over $100,000.
$100K Settlement for Herniated Disc in Lower Back from Car Accident
Keith was driving of a car in Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida.
He waited a long time to get formal medical treatment. Months later, he had excruciating lower back pain.
An MRI showed a L5-S1 herniated disc in his lower back. A neurosurgeon performed a L5-S1 hemilaminotomy, medial facetectomy and microdiskectomy, using a microsurgery.
State Farm insured the driver that rear ended him. They paid their $100,000 bodily injury liability insurance limits to settle. I represented Keith.
Attorney Justin “JZ” Ziegler and car accident client
Here is State Farm’s $100K check.
Keith gave us a 5 star review on Google.
Here it is:
$100K Settlement for Herniated Disc and Small Fracture (Car Accident)
A lady was driving her car in Broward County, Florida. A car crashed into her car.
She claimed that the accident aggravated her pre-existingherniated disc. She also had a small fracture to a bone that didn’t need treatment.
Driver Gets $100K Settlement for Back Surgery (Car Accident)
A truck hit our client, who was driving a car. The car accident happened in Miami, Florida.
Our client had lower back surgery. The procedure was a percutaneous discectomy.
Liberty Mutual was the BI liability insurer for the at fault vehicle.
Liberty Mutual paid the $100,000 limits.
$100K Settlement for Bike Rider Hit by Truck (Face Fracture)
Our client was riding a bicycle in an intersection near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. A pickup truck hit her.
Paramedics took her to the hospital. She had a facial fracture.
A surgeon inserted a plate into her face. USAA insured the pickup truck.
USAA paid us their $100,000 limits to settle the personal injury case. We were able to get the hospital to reduce its bill from around $100,000 to $33,333.
$100K Settlement for Broken Thumb (Car Accident)
Our client was a passenger in a car. The driver of the car crashed into a structure.
Our client had a thumb injury. He had surgery.
The car’s driver was insured with the Hartford Insurance Company.
The driver had BI limits of $100,000 per person. The Hartford paid $100,000 to settle the case.
$100K Settlement for Herniated Disc (Miami Truck Accident)
Our client, a middle-aged man, was driving his car in Miami, Florida. The tractor-trailer (18 wheeler) ran a red light. It cut him off.
He crashed into the side of the 18 wheeler.
At the hospital, he was told he might have a fractured vertebra. Thus, an ambulance took him to another hospital.
At the second hospital, he was told that he did not have a neck fracture. However, an MRI showed a herniated disc at C5-C6.
$5,000 of the settlement was from Medpay coverage in the condo’s insurance policy.
$75K Settlement for Knee Injury (Car Accident)
Woman had arthroscopic knee surgery and a bulging disc. A car made a left hand turn in front of her. It happened near Coconut Grove, Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Angela (not real name) lived in Wisconsin. She was on vacation in Kissimmee (Orlando), Florida. While driving on the highway, a commercial van crashed into the back of Angela’s rental car. In other words, this was a rear end accident.
The van driver received a ticket for causing the accident. The van’s liability insurance company was based out of Hialeah, Florida.
Angela claimed that her shoulder was injured. An MRI showed that she had a rotator cuff tear. She had arthroscopic surgery to her shoulder.
The van’s insurance company made a lowball offer. They wouldn’t increase it much. Thereafter, I sued the van owner and driver in Osceola County, Florida.
The defendant disputed liability. In addition, the defendant’s attorney and insurance company argued that her shoulder injury preexisted the accident. They also argued that her rotator cuff tear could not have been caused by a rear end collision.
One month before trial, we reached a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company. We settled her case settled for $65,000. Her out of pocket medical bills were just six thousand dollars ($6,000.00).
Man Gets $64,900 for Ankle Injury from Stepping into Hidden Hole in Grass
Florida Insurance Guarantee Fund (FIGA) paid $32,400.
They insured the office condo complex owner, property manager and the landscaping company.
$57,600 Settlement for Shoulder Injury (Car Accident)
For a woman in her twenties who was involved in a multi car collision. Her injuries ultimately resulted in arthroscopic shoulder surgery to her non-dominant shoulder.
Three cars were involved in the accident. Progressive insured the middle car, which hit our client.
The insurance companies for the responsible parties were GEICO and Progressive.
The liability limits of bodily injury insurance for Progressive was $10,000. They paid $10,000.
GEICO paid $47,600.
Our client’s car sustained minor to moderate damage. Her shoulder healed well following surgery.
$57K Settlement for Back Injury (Car Accident)
An on-duty police officer was stopped in traffic, when another car rear ended him. The crash happened in Medley, Florida (North Miami-Dade County).
The driver who caused the accident received a ticket for following too closely. State Farm insured the careless driver.
He had epidural shots to his lower back. The cop was a candidate for lower back surgery (lumbar laminectomy). He did not have surgery.
Travelers Insurance insured the police officer on his personal car. (He wasn’t using his personal car when the accident happened).
Workers compensation for the police department paid over $17,000 in indemnity (lost wages) and medical benefits.
I settled the UIM case with Travelers for $47,000. Thus, State Farm and Travelers paid a combined $57,000 for the personal injury case.
$52,500 Settlement
For a bicyclist who sustained a herniated disc and compression fracture after being hit by a driver of a car.
$52,000 Settlement
On behalf of a 26-year-old man who was injured (while he was on a scooter/moped) when a NAPA van’s front end crashed into the moped. According to the police report, the driver of the van stopped and rendered aid but then fled the scene without giving any information.
The driver of the van was later stopped. Miami-Dade Fire Rescue treated the driver of the moped on the scene. The driver of the van received a citation for failure to yield at intersection.
$50K Settlement for Broken Collarbone (Motorcycle Accident)
Our client fell while allegedly walking up steps to a portable bathroom. It was located at Homestead, Miami-Dade County, Florida.
She fractured her wrist. Scottsdale Insurance Company insured the company that supplied the portable bathroom.
Scottsdale paid $35,000 to settle our client’s case.
$33K Settlement for Acetabular (Hip) Fracture from Car Accident
Front end damage to car that my client was in.
On July 30, 2018, Shankeva was a passenger in her boyfriend’s car. A photo of the car (after the crash) is above.
Another driver (vehicle 1) hit another car (vehicle 2) head-on. Vehicle 2 then struck the car that Shankeva was in.
Shankeva suffered an acetabular fracture. An acetabular fracture is a break in the socket portion of the “ball-and-socket” hip joint. I’ve had many hip fracture settlements.
Days after the accident, Shankeva hired me.
Within 30 days of the accident, State Farm paid us Shankeva’s boyfriend’s $25,000 uninsured motorist insurance limit.
Additionally, the at fault driver’s BIL insurer (Windhaven) paid us $8,000. We were limited because another driver also had a claim.
A bike rider was hit by a car. As a result, he suffered a meniscus tear and tibia plateau fracture. He basically had no limitations following the healing of his injuries.
State Farm insured the driver.
State Farm paid $33,000.
$31,500 Settlement
For a man whose leg was cut by glass when he was exited a hotel shower and the door shattered. It was against the W-hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. The hotel was insured with Liberty Mutual.
Ace Insurance insured the glass installer.
$30K Settlement for Trip and Fall on Broken Walkway
During the day, Dania (not real name) was walking outside at an establishment in Central Florida. She rolled her ankle on a broken walkway.
An employee of the establishment came to the accident scene while Dania was on the pavement.
Dania received treatment for her ankle from an orthopedic doctor. Fortunately, she did not need surgery. Her ankle made a very good recovery.
National Casualty Company (Nationwide) insured the owner of the premises. They denied liability. Nevertheless, we settled Dania’s personal injury case for $30,000.
How was I able to settle for $30,000 and not a smaller amount?
First, there was something wrong with the pavement that we argued caused her to roll her ankle and fall. Second, the business knew that she fell. This helped her case since it made it more difficult for the business to argue that she was not injured on its property.
Third, she broke her ankle and went to the hospital quickly after the accident. Fourth, we were dealing with one of the better insurance companies. Nationwide Insurance Company generally pays better than other insurance companies.
Why didn’t I settle for more than $30,000?
Because her fall happened outside during broad daylight. The insurance company argued that Dania should have seen the broken walkway before she fell. In other words, they argued that she should have avoided the broken pavement and not fallen.
If her fall would have happened at night and there was poor lighting, Nationwide would have likely paid us more than $30,000.
Also, Dania did not need surgery. If she would have had a plate and screws put in her ankle, we would have likely settled for $100,000 or more with Nationwide. This is because the pain and suffering component of the case would have been much larger.
Lady Gets $30K Settlement for Meniscus Tear from Car Crash
Check out a $30,000 settlement after a driver was rear ended in Orlando, Florida. She claimed that the accident caused a meniscus tear in her knee.
USAA insured the at fault driver. USAA paid $30,000 to settle the case. October 2015.
In a car accident for a passenger that was rear ended in Miami, Florida by a car insured by Nationwide. He treated with chiropractors for over a year before having an MRI on his back. An MRI revealed a herniated disc effacing (pressing on) the spinal cord. My client lived in California.
This client is one of the numerous clients that we have represented who did not live in Florida but was injured in Florida.
$28K Settlement for 2 Bulging Discs in Lower Back (Truck Accident)
Tom, a 51 year old, was driving a box truck on I-75 in Wildwood, Sumter County, Florida. Jose was driving an 18 wheeler truck headed in the same direction.
The front of Jose’s truck hit the back of Tom’s truck. The crash diagram is below:
American Inter-Fidelity Exchange insured Jose’s employer.
We claimed that the accident caused or aggravated pain in Tom’s neck, back and elbows. The doctor ordered an MRI of his lower back. The MRI showed bulging discs.
We also claimed that the collision worsened the pre-existing chondromalacia in his knee.
American Inter-Fidelity Exchange paid us $28,000 to settle Tom’s personal injury claim.
I was Tom’s personal injury attorney.
$27.5K Settlement with Progressive for Car Accident (Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain)
In the photo above, you can see our happy client after her $27,500 personal injury settlement.
Dania was a passenger in a car in Miami, Florida. Another driver crashed into the car in which she was a passenger.
Here is the damage to the car within which Dania was a passenger:
We claimed that the other driver’s carelessness caused Dania’s injuries.
Fortunately, here injuries were soft tissue. Basically, she had neck sprain/strain, thoracic (upper back) sprain/strain, back sprain/strain, and right shoulder sprain/strain.
She did not break any bones. Also, she did not need surgery.
Shortly after the car accident, Dania spoke with a lawyer who has handling injury claims for 49 years. That attorney primarily defends drivers for personal injury claims from commercial vehicle accidents. He was unable to represent her primarily because her injuries were minor and the damage to her car was not that bad.
However, that attorney was aware of our many car accident settlements. Additionally, he knew that we’ve settled numerous car accident claims with Progressive. He referred Dania to my law firm. Dania contacted my law firm.
We gave her a free consultation to see if she wanted to hire us and if we could represent her. Immediately after consultation, she hired my law firm. My law firm did the work Dania’s claim. (However, she consented to the referral attorney sharing responsibility on the claim with us. This allowed us to pay 25% of our attorney’s fee to the referring lawyer. This didn’t cost Dania any additional money.) I happily pay referral fees to attorneys who refer me cases as allowed.
Progressive insured the car that we alleged caused the crash. Progressive paid us $27,500 as settlement of Dania’s personal injury claim.
Some of her doctors didn’t bill her health insurance. Nevertheless, Dania received over $12,950 in her pocket.
This is after our attorneys fees, costs and her outstanding medical bills were paid.
Most importantly, she is happy with the settlement.
$25K Settlement for Neck Pain (Car Accident)
My client claimed that a car crash caused his neck pain. Another driver was cited for careless driving.
$25K Settlement for Car Accident (Back and Neck Injury)
For a young woman who was a passenger in a car that slammed into the car in front of it. Her injuries were cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine chronic sprain/strain injuries.
She also suffered was a C6-C7 posterior disc herniation and Bilateral broad-based bulging discs C3-C4, C4-C5.
She also had Bilateral feet and toes paresthesia. State Farm insured the careless driver.
We made a claim against State Farm.
The policy limits for careless driver were $25,000. My client did not have underinsured motorist insurance which would have resulted in a much larger payout for my client.
$25K Car Accident Settlement (State Farm)
For an elderly Cuban-American businessman who suffered a broken (fractured) tibia (lower leg bone). A driver, insured by State Farm, hit him.
The accident occurred in Miami Lakes, which is a few minutes from Hialeah and Miami Gardens. My client did not purchase undersinsured motorist insurance coverage.
If he did, he would have got a larger payout.
Hotel Guest Gets $23K Payout for Quadriceps Tear from Slip and Fall
Hyatt place in Doral, Florida
We represented a guest of a Hyatt Place Hotel in Doral, Florida. It is located in the airport west area.
Rope which was tied from a Carnival (cruise line) ship to a tender boat snapped. It hit our client’s arm. He claimed shoulder impingement syndrome. We sued the cruise line and it settled after mediation.
Driver Settles Bulging Disc, Car Accident Claim for $21,000
Cesar and his car accident attorney, Justin Ziegler
In April 2019, Cesar was driving his minivan in Brickell, Florida. Another car rear ended him. The impact sent Cesar’s minivan into a wall. After the accident, this is what his vehicle looked like.
Front damage to minivan after collision into a wall
The airbags in the minivan deployed. Paramedics took Cesar to the hospital.
Here is a photo of him at the hospital:
Injured patient with a cervical collar on and in rolling bed at the hospital
Fortunately, he did not have any broken bones. He was only at the hospital for a few hours. He did not need surgery.
GEICO insured the driver of the car that hit Cesar.
He had an MRI of his knee, but he did not have any tendon or ligament damage. He had neck and back pain, which went away.
In December 2019, GEICO paid us $20,000 to settle the case. Thus, his personal injury case settled in under nine months.
69% of the settlement was for his pain and suffering. After my attorneys fees and costs, and paying all of his medical bills, Cesar gets over $7,250 in his pocket. He is happy with the result.
$20K Settlement for Car Accident (Knee Injury and Herniated Disc)
Henry (not real name) was in a car that was T-boned by another car at an intersection in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The other driver received a ticket for running the red light.
After the accident, he had knee pain. He had an MRI of his knee. It revealed joint effusion (water on the knee). Henry also claimed that the accident caused or aggravated a two herniated discs in his lower back.
$20K Settlement (Herniated Disc and Scar from Car Accident)
Lisa (not real name) was in a car that was T-boned by another car at an intersection in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The driver of the other car received a ticket for running the red light.
For my client who was hit, while she was working, by a driver insured with GEICO.
It happened in Miami, Florida. We argued to the worker’s compensation insurer should reduce its lien by thousands of dollars. We were able to get it reduced.
Florida law allows the claimant to get the workers compensation lien reduced by his fees and costs.
It also allows the court to consider any other equitable factors when reducing the lien. Manfredo v. Employer’s Cas. Ins. Co., 560 So. 2d 1162 – Fla: Supreme Court 1990.
$19,850 Settlement for Car Accident
For a Miami twenty 29-year-old man who was hit by a driver insured by State Farm insurance.
His injuries included a herniated disc which was impinging.
The driver was driving a friend’s vehicle at the time of the accident. State Farm paid its policy limits of $10,000. His friend, fortunately, had a underinsured motorist insurance policy (with USAA) which paid $9,850.00. USAA argued that my client was not wearing his seat belt at the time of the crash.
$19K Settlement for Tractor Trailer (Truck) Accident
For a young man who was suffered personal injury in Miami when a truck tractor [(Cab-Bobtail) whose vehicle use was commercial cargo] made an improper lane change and hit (sideswiped) the automobile that the client was driving.
The police report listed the estimated vehicle damage of the client’s car at $1,000.00. The driver who caused the accident was insured with Zurich American Insurance Company.
On the same day of the accident the client treated with Baptist Medical Plaza at Doral Urgent Care.
He was evaluated for an ankle contusion, foot contusion, and neck pain. The doctor gave him a foot brace. He had leg and foot tingling sensations and headaches with low back pain.
Four days later, my client treated with a chiropractor and continued treating for about four (4) months. Although this case did not involve an ankle fracture, you can learn more about settlement values for a broken or fractured ankle in Florida.
Shopper Gets Over $18,500 for Slip and Fall on Grape
A shopper at a store in Cape Coral (Southwest Florida) claimed that she slipped on a grape and fell. She claimed that the fall injured her soft tissue in her knee.
She only went to about 3 or so medical visits. We represented the shopper. The total settlement was about $18,500.
$18K Settlement for Trip and Fall
My client was a restaurant guest in South Miami, Dade County, Florida. She tripped over a landscape vinyl edging while exiting the restaurant.
The actual edging is in the picture below.
Vinyl landscape edge protruding onto sidewalk.
The guest suffered a laceration to her cheek. It required stitches.
For a bicyclist who sustained lacerations to her chin and required several staples in her abdomen when a driver (insured by State Farm) hit her.
The police officer did not issue a ticket because he felt that the client, the bike rider, and the other driver were at fault.
Our client was on her bike riding against the flow of traffic. The insurance company stated that they believed the bicycle rider was responsible for 30% of the accident.
$17,000 Settlement for Herniated Disc from Car Accident
For alady in her early 20’s after another driver rear ended her. She claimed the crash caused two herniated discs.
$15,000 Settlement for a Hotel Guest (Slip and Fall)
A guest was staying at a hotel in Florida. The guest slipped and fell on the hotel’s property.
The guest hired us. The hotel paid us $15,000 to settle the guest’s personal injury claim.
$14,300 settlement
Lady claimed soft tissue injuries after she was driving her, which was hit by another car in Venice, Lee County, Florida.
The airbag deployed. It caused burns to her hands. The burns were temporary.
AIG insured the at fault driver. They paid $10,000.
The car’s airbag burned her hands. The burns went away after a few months.
Allstate was our client’s uninsured motorist insurer. Allstate paid $4,300. Deborah Meadows was Allstate Insurance Company’s claims adjuster.
Guest Gets $13,500 after Someone Throws Plate That Hits Her Face at Restaurant
A young lady went out to a popular South Beach restaurant located on Ocean drive in Miami Beach, Florida. While eating at the restaurant, a place struck her face below her eye.
She didn’t know who threw the plate. My client went to Mount Sinai Hospital for medical treatment.
She was given stitches to close up the cut. Months after the accident the cut was no longer visible.
I looked at the restaurant’s website. It stated, that “guests shouldn’t be surprised if they hear the sounds of plates breaking. It is just tradition.”
American Empire Surplus Lines insured the restaurant. They are part of Great America Insurance Group.
They paid $13,500 to settle.
$1,000 of the settlement was from the insurance policy’s Medpay coverage. I did not charge a fee on this $1,000 portion of the settlement.
$12,500 Settlement
On behalf of a woman who was rear ended by another car. Allstate was the BI insurer.
We received the policy limits of $10,000 from Allstate.
State Farm was the UM coverage insurer.
State Farm paid $2,500.
$12,000 Car Accident Settlement
For a mother of three who suffered personal injury to her shoulder and neck when she was broadsided by another car in Miami, Florida. The at fault driver is insured by Progressive.
The SUV which she was driving was a total loss. Immediately following the accident, she had excruciating neck and shoulder pain, and later had an MRI which revealed a herniated disc in her lower back.
Her daughter also suffered personal injury in the same car accident.
$10K Personal Injury Settlement (2020)
In March 2019, Lamar was driving his car in a Wendy’s drive thru lane in Oakland Park, Broward County, Florida.
Joan was driving a car and crashed into the back of Lamar’s car. After the crash, Lamar took this photo of the damage to his car.
As you can see from the photo, this was a big hit.
I’ve repeated this over and over:
Big property damage often leads to a bigger personal injury settlement.
On the crash report, the owner of the car that Ashley was driving was PV Holding. PV Holding is the parent company for Avis Rent a Car.
After the car accident, Lamar went to the hospital. He then followed up with a doctor and got therapy.
Segwick handled the claim for Avis Car Rental. I sent a letter requesting the bodily injury liability coverage on the rental car.
74% of the personal injury settlement was for Pain and Suffering
When he rented the car, he did not list Ashley as an additional driver. And since Ashley wasn’t his wife, Sedgwick did not offer bodily injury liability coverage above $10,000.
This is true even though Eugune purchased Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) with Avis.
In January 2020, I reached a personal injury settlement with Sedgwick for its $10,000 policy limits. Here is the check:
This is the most that we could get. There was no other additional insurance available. Approximately $7,400 of the total settlement was for Lamar’s pain and suffering.
After my attorney’s fees and costs, and paying his medical bills, Lamar got over $4,000 in his pocket. And his attorney (me) did all the work. He was very happy with the personal injury settlement.
$10K Personal Injury Settlement (Car Accident)
Miami injury attorney Justin “JZ” Ziegler with a happy client
On April 22, 2018, my client was in his car and stopped at a light in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A drunk driver hit him.
The drunk driver was driving his mom’s car. GEICO insured the car. My client had neck and back pain. Here is the crash diagram:
This is a photo of my client’s car after the accident:
He had at least one herniated disc in his neck and lower back.
We had his Portuguese medical records translated by a discount translator. We try hard to keep costs down. One of the 11 benefits of hiring an injury lawyer is that we can pay for costs in advance.
For personal injury victim who injured his back and neck in a rear end car accident. The car that received the citation was insured with GEICO. (J.D.)
I was co-counsel.
$10,000 Settlement
Our client was visiting Florida from another state. She was driving her car. Another driver crashed into her.
She went to the hospital in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida. She then went to a chiropractor for several months.
She had a soft tissue lumber (lower back) strain and sprain. GEICO insured the at fault driver.
GEICO initially offered $800. We refused. We later settled with GEICO for $10,000.
$10K Settlement for Cut on Eyelid Eyelid (Car Accident)
For a Cuban-American 30-year-old who was rear ended by driver insured by State Farm who hit the driver while the driver was stopped in the emergency lane on I-95.
The client’s injuries included back pain and a serious eye injury.
He was treated at the Anne Bates Leach eye center, Jackson Memorial Hospital, and Bascon Palmer in Miami, Florida. Unfortunately, the driver and owner of the car that rear ended the client were underinsured.
Our client did not have underinsured motorist insurance, which would have resulted in a much larger payout for the client.
$10,000 Settlement
For a back seat female passenger of a car suffered personal injury when another car struck the car which she was in. At the moment of impact, her shoulder hit the car seat.
The at fault driver is insured by Progressive. The car accident occurred in Miami, Florida. The passenger’s injuries include a full thickness rotator cuff tear and a herniated disc.
She would like to have shoulder surgery to relieve her pain. The insurance company initially offered only $2,000.
Justin clearly explained to the insurance adjuster that this claim was worth more than the negligent driver’s policy limits. This person injury claim illustrates the importance of carrying underinsured motorist insurance.
The client did not have health insurance and the money we recovered is unfortunately not enough to cover her for a rotator cuff surgery. If she would have had underinsured motorist insurance, she would have been able to have a rotator cuff repair.
$10,000 Settlement
For a 21-year-old Cuban-American woman who was hit by a driver/owner of a car insured by State Farm.
The client’s injuries were soft tissue in addition to headaches.
There was significant damage to the client’s automobile. The client did not have an MRI. She treated in Doral, Florida.
$10,000 Settlement
For a 20 old woman who was rear ended in a car long with her mother and relative. The at fault party received a citation for reckless driving and was insured by Progressive. We threatened punitive damages if we filed a lawsuit.
We had the client sign a waiver of conflict of interest so that we felt comfortable represent all three injured accident victims of the same car.
Passenger Gets $10,000 After Car Hits Pole That Crushes Car
A young woman who was a passenger in a car. The car was stopped in the street in Little Havana, Florida.
Another driver crashed into her car. A pole fell on the car that she was in.
Both drivers were killed. The insurance company that insured the host vehicle has been bought by Kingsway Amigo.
The careless driver was uninsured. Our client had soft tissue injuries.
The host vehicle’s insurer paid the $10,000 policy limits to settle the case. The car that our client was in did not have uninsured motorist (UM) insurance.
For a young man whose car was t-boned by another car that failed to yield the right of way in the intersection in Miami, Florida. He required 2 sets of stitches on his face; 7 stitches on his forehead and 20 stitches in his eyebrow.
He has neck pain and is treating with doctors in South Miami, Florida.
The policy limits of the tortfeasor were only $10,000 which is very typical in Florida, because the laws do not require that car owners carry any bodily injury insurance.
Had the client had underinsured motorist insurance, we would have been able to get him more money.
Our client did not carry underinsured motorist insurance, thus we could not make a claim against his insurance company for any amount above $10,000.
$10,000 Settlement (Policy Limits)
For a passenger in a car whose personal injury included broken ribs and a lacerated spleen. He spent several days in the hospital.
The accident occurred in Miami, Florida near Kendall. We are working on reducing his medical bills.
Our client ‘s father (resident relative) did not carry underinsured motorist insurance on his car, therefore we could not make a claim for any amount above $10,000.
$10,000 Settlement
For the client, a young female realtor at the time, whose personal injury included 2 herniated discs which impinged on the thecal sac. She was hit by an uninsured driver who was driving a rental.
Unfortunately, rental car companies are only required, if at all, to have minimal insurance limits.
This is yet another example of a client who would have been able to recover thousands of dollars more had she purchased uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance. The driver that hit the client did not carry bodily injury insurance.
The client did not carry uninsured motorist insurance on his car, therefore we could not make a claim for any amount above $10,000.
$10,000 Settlement
On behalf of a young female driver who injured her wrist when she was struck by another car while driving her vehicle. The at fault driver was insured by Nationwide and the policy limits were $10,000.
Our client did not have underinsured motorist insurance on her GEICO policy. If she had underinsured motorist insurance, she would have been able to have receive fair value for her personal injury.
The value would have been greater than $10,000.
$10,000 Policy Limits Settlement
On behalf of a mall security guard who was struck by a car while patrolling the mall in a golf cart. The owner of the car which the at fault driver was driving was insured by Allstate.
Allstate paid $10,000. The driver/owner of the car that hit the client was undersinsured. Thus, our client was prevented from receiving many more thousands of dollars.
$10,000 Settlement
On behalf of a pedestrian who was hit by a driver of car in a parking lot. The driver was insured by Clarendon National Insurance Company (RAC Insurance Partners LLC). The driver of the car that hit her was underinsured.
$10,000 Settlement
A driver crashed into our client’s car. The other driver fled the scene. Our client was hurt. An ambulance took her to Memorial Regional Hospital in Broward County, Florida.
She had pain in her pelvis (hip), chest, thoracic spine (mid-back), lower back, shoulder, and head.
Our client had uninsured motorist (UM) insurance with American Vehicle Insurance Company. We made a UM claim with her insurance company.
They paid the $10,000 policy limits.
$10,000 Policy Limits Settlement
For a driver who was rear ended by a driver insured by GEICO. MRI’s revealed a torn rotator cuff tear, a herniated disc, and multiple bulging discs. Unfortunately, there were no personal assets that we could go after.
Our client did not carry uninsured motorist insurance on his car, therefore I could not make a claim for any amount above $10,000.
$10,000 Policy Limits Settlement
For a woman who was injured when she was a passenger in a car which was rear ended. State Farm insured the driver who caused the accident.
Lady Gets $10,000 after Driver Fails to Yield Right of Way and Hits Her
My client, a woman, was driving her car. A driver failed to yield the right of way to incoming traffic and struck her.
Zurich Insurance Company handled the claim for the at fault driver. My client had soft tissue injuries.
Empire Fire and Marine Insurance Company issued the at fault driver’s insurance policy.
Scooter Rider Gets $10,000 for Soft Tissue Injuries from Crash
A man was riding his scooter on 5th Street and Alton Road in Miami Beach, Florida. A driver of a car ran a red light.
They crashed. About 2 months later, a doctor stated that he had a concussion.
United paid the $10,000 limits to settle the personal injury claim.
$9,250 Settlement
Lady driver who was hit by another driver.
$8,800 Settlement
On behalf of a passenger against the driver’s uninsured motorist policy when a hit and run driver rear ended the car he was riding in and then fled the scene.
$8,700 Settlement
For a passenger in a car accident whose personal injury included a bulging disc. I also represented her husband in this claim. The driver of the automobile who caused the accident was insured with Nationwide.
$8,500 Settlement
When the insured was rear ended by another driver of a motor vehicle insured by GEICO. According to the treating orthopedic surgeon, the client was a candidate for a percutaneous lumbar discectomy. The client did not want to undergo surgery.
For a young Miami man who sustained injuries to his middle finger, neck, and back. His car sustained about $2,000 in property damage, when he was hit by another vehicle (cited for careless driving) in Dade County, Florida.
The violator’s liability insurance company was Progressive American Ins. Co.
The orthopedic physician’s diagnosis was Lumbar Strain/Sprain Syndrome, Straightening of Cervical Spine with Underlying Muscle Spasm, Disc Herniation and associated radial tear at C7-T1, middle finger fracture, Multilevel herniated discs of the cervical spine.
The orthopedic doctor recommended a cervical discogram at multiple levels with intradiscal decompression under fluoroscopy at the positive levels.
My client treated with a chiropractor for several weeks. His injuries included a neck sprain. He also had an consultation with an orthopedic doctor.
Metlife insured the careless driver.
$7,700 Settlement
For a client who was in a car wreck (rear ended) in Homestead, Florida. She treated with a chiropractor for several weeks. Her personal injury included a neck sprain.
Metropolitan Life (Metlife) insured the careless driver who caused the crash.
$7,500 Settlement
For our client, a driver, who was injured. A hit and run driver hit his car and fled the scene.
Our client’s first medical appointment was about seven days after the crash. He was diagnosed with a Cervical sprain-strain, Thoracic sprain-strain and Lumbar sprain-strain.
About 1 month later, he had an MRI of the cervical spine. It showed a C5-C6 paracentral disk protrusion, moderate in size, compressing upon the thecal sac.
He treated for four months from the date of the accident. At the end of his treatment, the diagnosis was a lumbar strain.
He basically was left with a lower back strain.
I argued to the insurance company that punitive damages would be awarded since the negligent driver fled the accident scene. An injured victim may be able to get punitive damages if the car that hits him or her leaves the accident scene.
The careless driver was insured with Metlife.
For a young man’s car that was rear ended by another automobile. The driver who rear ended the client was insured by GEICO. The car accident occurred near Key Largo, Florida.
The client had three (3) bulging discs. The insurance adjuster from GEICO argued that there was disc desiccation which preexisted the automobile accident.
GEICO also argued that the bulging discs did not impinge on the nerve, thus there was no pain which the bulges were causing.
$7,200 Settlement
On behalf of a young woman who was T-boned by a car. She went to the hospital by ambulance immediately after the accident. She was initially diagnosed with neck pain and a migraine. Her final diagnosis was lower back pain.
Passenger Gets $7,000 Settlement for Neck and Back Pain
State Farm paid $7,000 to settle a passenger’s injury claim. The passenger claimed that the crash caused his back and neck pain.
$6,500 Settlement
On behalf of a gentleman (wife’s claim is below) who suffered personal injury when he was rear ended by another truck. He did not go to the hospital, but he treated with a chiropractor for several months following the accident. The at fault driver was insured with Nationwide. His injuries were neck (cervical) strain and back (lumbar) strain.
$6,500 Settlement
On behalf of a lady (husband’s claim is above) who suffered personal injury when she was a passenger in a car that was rear ended by another truck. She did not go to the hospital, but he treated with a chiropractor for several months following the accident.
The driver responsible for the accident was insured with Nationwide. Her injuries were neck (cervical) strain and back (lumbar) strain.
$6,500 Settlement
On behalf of a young lady who suffered personal injury when her car was rear ended. Her injuries were muscle spasm and neck (cervical) and/or back (lumbar) strain.
For a young man who was injured in Miami, Florida when struck by another car insured by Security National. Security National is owned by Farmers Insurance which is part of Zurich Insurance. He had pain in his neck and back.
For a passenger in a SUV which was hit by another car. Her injuries were soft tissue in addition to a bulging disc. The driver who caused the accident was insured by Nationwide.
$6,000 Settlement
On behalf of a gentleman who was hit while driving his SUV. His injuries were soft tissue. The driver who caused the accident was insured by Nationwide.
$5,965 Settlement
On behalf of a 20 year old Park Attendant aid for Miami-Dade County Parks who was injured when a car failed to yield the right of way and t-boned his car in (West Kendall) Miami Florida.
The negligent driver was insured with GEICO. His injuries were soft tissue, and he received 3 months of treatment, including accident rehabilitative treatment, with a chiropractor.
$5,500 Settlement
For a Postal worker in Miami-Dade County, Florida who was rear ended by a car. The negligent driver of the other car was insured with Nationwide. The client’s injuries was neck pain and headaches. The MRI did not reveal any herniated discs or disc bulges.
Driver Gets $5,000 Settlement for Small Cuts to Leg
On behalf of an additional passenger (Jamaican resident) who was hit by a driver cited for reckless driving resulting in serious bodily harm.
The at fault driver was insured by Progressive. My client did not have a permanent injury.
$5,000 Settlement
Another driver rear ended our client. Our client had physical therapy, hot and cold packs, electrical stimulation.
He also had an ultrasound, massage and therapeutic procedures. He did not have a permanent injury. Progressive insured the careless driver.
On behalf of a young mother who was hit by another car who made an improper lane change. She treated a Rehab for months and then saw an Orthopedic doctor.
Her diagnosis was lumbar strain, cervical Strain, somatic dysfunction of the spine, Bulging disc at C4-C5 and C5-C6. The orthopedic doctor stated she has sustained a 7% impairment rating to the body as a whole. She was a candidate for CFFBs.
On behalf of a young man who was hit by another car. The MRI revealed 3 bulging discs. He received therapy for a few months following the accident.
$4,500 settlement
Young child who suffered personal injury soft tissue injuries while she was a passenger in her mother’s car, which was hit by another car in Venice, Lee County, Florida. Venice is near Fort Myers. She was taken via ambulance to the Emergency Room.
She had a follow-up visit with her pediatric doctor. The at fault driver had bodily injury insurance through AIG.
For a young Florida International University (F.I.U) College student who was T-boned by another driver who failed to yield the right of way when she ran a stop sign. The client only treated with the doctor a handful of times, and did not have a permanent injury.
For a young man who was injured, while on his way to work, when his car was struck by another automobile.
On behalf of an injured driver when his car was involved in a wreck with another car.
On behalf of an injured driver when his car was involved in a wreck with another car.
On behalf of a 4-year-old boy who suffered personal injury when the car he was riding in was rear ended by another car. I also handled his parents’ claims. He received a permanent impairment rating of 3% for his soft tissue injury.
For a passenger who suffered injury when the car she was riding in was struck by another driver who lives in Homestead, Florida. The owner of the at fault car also lives in South Florida.
State Farm insured the at fault car owner.
On behalf of a 17-year-old woman who was rear ended by another driver. The property damage to the car which she was a passenger in was only $200. She had a herniated disc and disc desiccation which Progressive (the insurance company for the at fault driver) could be an indication of pre-existing injury.
On behalf of a mother who was rear ended by another driver. The property damage to the car she in was only $200. She had a herniated disc and disc desiccation which Progressive (the insurance company for the at fault driver) could be an indication of pre-existing injury.
On behalf of a driver who was rear ended by another driver insured by United Automobile Insurance Company.
Where a driver was killed when hit by another truck. Liability was minimal on the driver who was at fault. Justin defended one of the insurance companies when he used to work as an insurance defense attorney represented drivers and owners of car who were being sued.
We want to represent you if you were injured in an accident in Florida, on a cruise ship or boat. If you live in Florida but were injured in another state we may also be able to represent you.