Following an accident, many people are not sure what to do. The following are the 3 most important things to do following an accident: [Read more…]
What are Noneconomic or Special Damages in an Injury Case?
Noneconomic damages in a personal injury case are damages for pain and suffering, disability, physical impairment, disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, aggravation of a disease or physical defect and loss of capacity for enjoyment of life sustained in the past and to be sustained in the future. [Read more…]
What is Causation or Legal Cause in an Injury Case?
Negligence is a:
legal cause of loss, injury or damage if it directly and in natural and continuous sequence produces or contributes substantially to producing such loss, injury or damage, so that it can reasonably be said that, but for the negligence, the loss, injury or damage would not have occurred. Florida Civil Jury Instruction 401.12a
How to Respond To A Low Offer In A Personal Injury Case
1. Ask Adjuster Why Offer is Low…and Listen
Ask for Adjuster’s Response in Writing
Uninsured Motorist Insurers Must Give Reason for Low Offer in Writing
2. Ask the Adjuster if He/She Needs More Documentation
Ask the insurance company if there are any documents that they need that may help them increase their offer. These may include the actual MRI films if you’re claiming that the accident caused a herniated disc or another objective injury.
Ask the adjuster if they can offer you more money if you send them past jury verdicts that show that your injury is worth more than what they’re offering.
3. Ask Adjuster to Tell You What Documentation They Have
You should confirm that the insurance company has the correct total billed charges, and out of pocket medical bills.
You should use a computer spreadsheet so that you’re organized, and can quickly tell the adjuster what you have. I use MS Excel, but any spreadsheet will do.
4. Lower Your Offer…If Appropriate
5. File a Civil Remedy Notice of Consumer Complaint
6. Sue
$100,000 Settlement : Bicyclist Hit by Truck Fractures Face

Below is a settlement of mine for a bicyclist who was hit by a pickup truck.
Settlement: $100,000
Before deduction for attorney’s fees and expenses. Most cases result in a lower recovery. It should not be assumed that your case will have as beneficial a result.
Case type: Personal Injury, Pickup Truck hit Bicyclist
Jurisdiction: Broward County/Florida
Your Case if a Government Employee in Florida Injures You
If the State of Florida or one of its agencies’ negligence caused your injury, then you may be able to get paid for your damages. [Read more…]
Claim for Mental Pain & Bills for Loss of Fetus from Florida Accident
If someone’s negligence in Florida causes a pregnant woman to have a stillbirth (lose the fetus), the mother has a right to bring a claim for mental pain and anguish, medical bills and lost wages incurred relating to the pregnancy. [Read more…]
Can Florida Lawyer Get Referral Fee from Non-Florida Lawyer?
This article applies to personal injury cases. This article does not address whether a Florida lawyer may pay a referral fee to an out of state attorney. I believe that the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar say it is permissible, subject to certain conditions, for a Florida attorney to get a referral fee from an out-of-state attorney if the other state allows referral fees and even if the Florida lawyer: [Read more…]
How to Get Your Medical Bills Paid After a Florida Accident
If you were injured in an accident in Florida and you went to the ER and/or a doctor, you may owe bills for these services. [Read more…]
How to Get Insurance Information in a Florida Injury Case
If you’ve been injured in an accident in Florida caused by someone else, you may want to get a copy of all applicable liability insurance information information in writing. The good news in Florida, is that it is fairly easy to get insurance information, although it may take some time. [Read more…]