A Florida business establishment or cruise line’s negligence may cause you to slip or trip and fall and hurt your back. If this happens, you may be able to get compensation.
You could also suffer a back injury somewhere else in Florida. I wrote a separate article on back injury claims for car, truck and motorcycle accidents in Florida.
This article focuses on back injuries from slip, trip and falls in Florida. The cases below are not mine unless I say that one is.
My actual case: $300,000 Settlement for a man who had a herniated disc in his lower back, 2 skin grafts to his Achilles tendon, and pain radiating from the base of his spine to his thigh.
He slipped and fell in a Sedano’s supermarket in Miami-Dade County, Florida on what he claimed was dirty water and smudges.
The back pain was not the main injury that we claimed. Crum and Forster insured the Miami supermarket.
Their reputation is excellent for paying Florida injury claims.
Actual Case: $31,000 verdict for the pain and suffering component of a female shopper’s back injury claim.

She had back surgery after she slipped and fell on liquid in a Publix Supermarkets in Marion County, Florida.
She was also awarded money for medical bills and lost wages in addition to the $31,000 for pain and suffering. She had back surgery, specifically a percutaneous discectomy.
The case number is 42-2010-CA-1524, Fifth Judicial Court of Marion County, Florida. The trial was sometime around February 2013. Learn more about this case.
Check out personal injury claims for slip and falls against Publix in Florida.
Actual Case: $47,500 Settlement for a 53-year-old woman who slipped and fell at a Publix in Broward County, Florida. She had multiple bulging discs in the neck and lower back as well as a knee contusion (bruise). (Learn about knee injury claims from slip, trip and falls in Florida and on cruises).
She slipped and fell on water in the frozen food section. Her husband filed a loss of consortium claim against Publix. Publix admitted liability (fault).
My thoughts: I am not sure how many disc bulges the shopper had. Also, I do not know how many bulging discs were in the neck vs. how many were in the lower back.
I do not know the amount of medical bills that she had to pay from this accident.
As a starting point, I use the $10,000 to $15,000 for the pain and suffering component of a bulging disc. This case is one of the first reported cases against Publix since the new slip and fall law went into effect on July 1, 2010.
Surprisingly Publix admitted liability. I could not find any information as to how the shopper was able to show that Publix knew or should have known that the water was on the floor. The case is Jeanne Michel and Jacques Jules vs. Publix Supermarkets, Inc. 11-004678
Actual case: $23,000 Settlement for the pain and suffering component of the claim against Walmart Stores. A 39-year-old customer claimed that she slipped and fell on water in the frozen foods aisle.
The accident happened in Palm Beach County, Florida. She claimed that the fall caused her bulging disc in her lower back (L4-L5).
She claimed that the bulging disc radiated pain to her thigh and that she had neck pain (a cervical strain). The total verdict was for $251,213.
Of that amount, $101,213 was for past medical bills, $127,000 for future medical bills and $23,000 was for pain and suffering. The case is Carpineto v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
This verdict was in 2008. The accident was in 2006.
My thoughts: The fact that the jury awarded $101,213 in past medical bills for 2 years of treatment leads to believe that the shopper had surgery to her lower back. However, I am not certain that she had surgery.
If she did have lower back surgery, $23,000 is below the typical settlement value for pain and suffering for a lower back surgery caused by an accident in Florida. Learn more about slip and fall cases against Walmart in Florida.
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