A customer was awarded over $1.3 Million dollars after she proved that Chipotle Mexican Grille negligently failed to fix a roof leak which caused her injuries. This is not my case.
In May 2012, a Chipotle store manager saw water that was pooling in the area where customers wait for their food. He said that the floor was very slippery. He mopped it and confirmed that it was dry.
The next day, the manager saw a puddle in the same place, which was caused by rain. The manager contacted Chipotle corporate for several weeks to try to get it fixed.
Puddle kept forming before the fall
The manager said that the window frame was rusted and puddle kept forming. The manager put a warning sign near the window to warn customers of the leak.
About a month or so later, Chipotle’s corporate office still hadn’t repaired the area.
A customer entered the restaurant for lunch. She walked past the caution warning sign.
She began placing her order.
Customer Slipped and Fell
She moved to the left and slipped. She fell back and landed on her back.
Her head hit the floor. The manager apparently said that he thought an accident like this may happen.
Her injuries were herniated discs, a concussion, and chronic pain that led to a three level spine (neck) fusion surgery.
She sued in Palm Beach County, Florida. I assume that the accident happened there. This is because you usually have to sue in the county where the accident happened.
She had a 3 level neck fusion
She had a 3 level fusion to her neck. The jury found that Chipotle’s negligence caused the customer’s injury. The jury found that the customer was not at fault.
Jury Verdict Breakdown
Past Lost Income – $11,500
Future lost income reduced to present value – $15,308
Past medical expenses – $244,362.54
Future medical expenses – $430,191.00
Past Pain and suffering, physical impairment, disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, aggravation of disease or physical defect and loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life sustained:
In the past – $325,000
In the future – $325,000
Took 3 years for case to get to trial
The case was in court for about 3 years before it went to trial. The jury reached its verdict on October 27, 2015.
On December 18, 2015, the parties settled the case and dismissed it. The case is Allison Judkins v. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.
A South Florida attorney represented the customer. Several lawyers represented Chipotle.
This isn’t my case. However, I have settled many cases involving neck injuries, and slip and fall claims against restaurants.
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